Kikkerland Eyeglass Repair Kit
This handy tin kit features everything you need for a quick eyeglass repair.
Kikkerland Gentleman's Beard Tin
Keep those good looks going anytime, anywhere - with Gentleman’s Beard Tin.
Kikkerland Police Badge Bottle Opener
Be the lead detective of drinks while on party patrol. But first I'm gonna need to see some ID.
Kikkerland Acupressure Ring
Flexible rings featuring triangular shaped points that massage and stimulate tired fingers.
Kikkerland Hand & Foot Clipper Combo
This sturdy and reliable nail clipper is available in the shape of a hand or a foot and packaged together.
Kikkerland Chirp Bird Bath Whistle
These bath toys need water to make sweet birdie sounds.
Kikkerland Coffee Scoop Bag Clip
Because I need my coffee before I have to start looking for stuff.
Kikkerland Magic Soap
After preparing garlic or onions for a meal, even dish soap can't remove the smell from your hands. Simply scrub and wash your hands with this steel ball in cold water for about 30 seconds and neutralize the smell.